Sunday, March 29, 2009

Week 1: Things 1 & 2

I have read about the class, and really liked the easy-read FAQs about the class design.  It's an easy reference to refer back to as needed.  I'm taking the class because I'm able to make my way around technology in kind of a surface way, but I need to learn to use the interactive 'tools' that my students, my spouse and my own children (young adult and adolescent) are using on a daily basis.  I need to jump on the bandwagon! I do enjoy using technology, but sometimes find myself stymied by it, and then I get frustrated. 
The habits of a lifelong learner were not new concepts for me.  My spouse and I wrote continuing education into our wedding vows over 25 years ago. The two habits that are probably the most difficult for me:  
1) use of ever advancing technology (staying current, and using it for more than word or photo processing), and 
2) turning challenges and obstacles into positive learning experiences. Sometimes you don't realize what you learned from a class or an experience until after a span of time has passed and you're able to reflect and reevaluate the situation and realize that what may have seemed a negative at the time, actually had positive consequences after all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura

    I really hear what you are saying about needed to give it time to see the benefit sometimes. I would always tell my students that they sometimes wouldn't understand or connect with until later but I sometimes forget to apply that to myself.

    Welcome aboard :-)

