Thursday, April 2, 2009

Week 6: Thing 14

Week 6: Thing 14
I still find Technorati rather unappealing.  A lot of it has to do with it's lack of visual aesthetics.
I guess we've all become so used to web visuals that just 'pop,' and if I don't have a fairly quick
visual connection to a site, I tend to move on.  I did the search for Library Learning Web 2.0
and it produced a long list of sites.  When I typed in the same key word search in tags, it produced no results!  That was a surprise. I didn't really enjoy searching via the blog posts or search criteria either.  With the blog post category, it just seemed like a random cornucopia of current topics posted recently, most of which were not very interesting to me.  The recent popular searches did not move me either.
I think tagging is a good and valuable online tool which can help streamline searches. However,
a disadvantage is that it's personal and individual to the person who tags that item or post, and I suspect that some folks would tag just about every word of an entry just to get their posts read.


  1. I hear you about the even stumps me sometimes when I did the tagging....what I think makes sense at the time doesn't come to mind 4 months later when I am looking for the blipping thing.

    I also don't particularly like Technorati...I tend to get a better result using googles blog search.


  2. I wasn't really thrilled with Technorati either, but I also did not have a "real need". I will give it another try when I am some day searching for another purpose - maybe it will come in handy then, but for now it's near the bootom of the toolbox.

